Travel with JoinMyTrip

Travel Podcast – Bucket List For 2021 (Episode 10)

Things everyone should have on their bucket list for next year!

Welcome lovely listeners to our 10th episode. This week Anna, Flori, Stella (German), Jasmine (Finland) and Alex (UK) will be talking about their bucket lists for 2021. 

Read more, journal more, be more active… the classics, of course. However, we wouldn’t be working for a travel startup if we didn’t want to see every country this planet has to offer. Visit the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa, go rafting on Tenerife, or join in on the carnival in South America… The list goes on. 

Listen now, to get inspiration for your own bucket list:

In case you want something more visually appealing, you can also find our podcast on our very own YouTube channel:

Still don’t know where our podcast can be found to start listening to our bucket list for 2021? No worries! Our podcast can be found on every single playback platform available.

List of playback platforms where the JoinMyTrip Travel Podcast on the topic bucket list for 2021 can be found
All the platforms where our podcast can be found

Make sure to check out JoinMyTrip and plan your adventures so you can tick them off your bucket list for 2021 with your newfound travel buddies! 

For more travel inspiration, tips and tricks read our other articles below: 

Travel with JoinMyTrip