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Following the Footsteps of Van Gogh

Travel through an artists lens… all about the famous Vincent and his travels

Vincent Van Gogh was a famous Dutch artist born in 1853, who has changed the art scene forever throughout the entire world. Like many of us, he also loved to travel. He spent his years living in four different countries, including the Netherlands, France, Britain, and Belgium.

You know the classic story of someone deciding to become an artist and many people discouraging it? Well, Van Gogh’s parents were not very supportive of his decision to dedicate his life to art. However, we’re happy he did. Today, you can walk in the footsteps of this famous artist in many countries. As modern-day adventurers, we certainly have a lot to learn from the travels and art of Van Gogh, like what we’re just about to tell you…

All the cities of Van Gogh

Vincent lived in many cities around the world, and each of these places served as an inspiration for his works of art. In fact, it is possible to take the ‘Van Gogh route’ today to discover the places in which he lived. Many, many museums around the world, especially in the places in which he lived, take you on a journey of art. There are many circuits that one can road trip through, making for a unique approach to planning a trip. Each of these trips will present a different phase in the life of Van Gogh. It is also possible to cycle the entirety of the main route, taking you on a trip of 435 kilometers.

The journey starts in Zundert, Netherlands where Vincent was born. Here, you can of course visit the house in which he lived known as Van Goghhuis. The museum is small but holds a lot inside its walls.

In his time in the Netherlands, the famous artists life took him to these cities:

  • Zevenbergen
    • Vincent attended boarding school here
  • Tilburg
    • Where he attended high school and took (a lot) of drawing lessons- it is possible to visit his old classroom known as “Vincent’s classroom” or Vincents Tekenlokaal
  • Dordrecht
    • Here, Vincent worked at a bookshop called Blussé & Van Braam
  • The Hague
    • It’s not a life in the Netherlands without The Hague- here Vincent worked as the youngest clerk at the art dealers Goupil & Cie. He was then transferred to work at the same firm in London

I’m only just noticing how attached I am to The Hague, now that it’s been decided I must go away

Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent would go on to spend some years in England, spending some time in between in Paris as well. His life in the Netherlands would still take him to live in Amsterdam, Etten, Nuenen, and Drenthe.

During his time in England, Vincent lived in three cities: London, Ramsgate and Isleworth.

Of course, he spent a lot of time in France, specifically Paris, the city of art. To this day, Paris and Parisians adore the works of art that he left behind. Especially on the hill of Montmartre, a village in Paris known to be a hub for artists in the past and present, you’ll find signs of Vincent’s life. For example, Pere Tanguy’s art shop, where Vincent gathered inspiration from Japanese prints for the art he would one day make. Montmartre is also home to the famous Rue de Clichy, where Vincent painted some of his paintings.

France was also the place where Vincent died in 1890, in Auvers-Sur-Oise. This city served as one of the most significant channels of inspiration, seen in his latest works. During his France days, the artist also spent time in Arles and Saint-Rémy.

Before the years before his death, Vincent also lived in the Belgian cities of Brussels, Borinage and Antwerp.

The best museums of Vincent

If you’re looking to set out on an art trip with some like-minded travelers, you’ll find that the museums dedicated to Van Gogh are almost too many to count.

Here’s where to find the best of his art around the world:

  • National Gallery of Art (London)
  • Van Gogh Museum (Amsterdam)
  • Musée D’Orsay (Paris)
  • Museum of Modern Art (New York City)
  • Neue Pinakothek (Munich)
The famous clock at the Musee d'Orsay in Paris
The Musée D’Orsay in Paris houses some of Van Gogh’s famous work

Van Gogh quotes that inspire us to travel

The life of this famous artist, as we have seen, took him to many places. Of course, a lot of the trips of Vincent were reflected through his poetry. If you’re traveling to any of the cities of Van Gogh, reading his poetry will also be an inspiration for your trip…

On Paris:

There is but one Paris and however hard living may be here, and if it became worse and harder even- the French air clears up the brain and does good-a world of good

Vincent Van Gogh
The Eiffel Tower and city of Paris at nightfall
The city of Paris was an inspiration to Van Gogh

On Zundert (his birthplace):

Oh that Zundert, the thought of it’s almost too much at times

Vincent Van Gogh

On nature:

If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere

Vincent Van Gogh

I experience a period of frightening clarity in those moments when nature is so beautiful. I am no longer sure of myself, and the paintings appear as in a dream

Vincent Van Gogh

On adventure:

I am not an adventurer by choice but by fate

Vincent Van Gogh

Traveling in the footsteps of the famous artist, Van Gogh, will certainly take you to see some unique destinations. His words and paintings also serve as an inspiration to adventure and living a fulfilling life… With JoinMyTrip, you can create trips like this with like-minded TravelMates, or you can also join a ready-planned adventure!

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