Travel with JoinMyTrip

Posts by

Farah Korra

I grew up in Alexandria, Egypt where I went to a German school there and decided to continue my studies abroad. I am currently studying international business in Berlin and doing an internship at JMT at the same time. I have had a big passion for traveling ever since I was a kid and have always loved organizing trips for me and my friends. I have already been to 10 countries and I am very excited to add more to the list. The thing I love most about traveling is meeting new people from different cultures and backgrounds because I believe that this broadens every person's horizon.

Why you should travel to Egypt in 2022

The world has so many beautiful places that one could visit but it can get very frustrating when it comes to choosing your next destination because with so many places to visit, where does one start? If you are planning your next trip and in need of some inspiration, then this blog might be what you need. 

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World Map

Best Destinations for Travel Beginners

Welcome to the World of Travelers

Congratulations! You are probably wondering why we are congratulating you right now but if you landed on this blog post it means that you are probably new to the whole traveling thing or maybe even never traveled abroad before, so consider this a sign from the universe telling you to GET OUT THERE, get out of your comfort zone and EXPLORE all the amazing places the world has to offer. As they say, life begins at the end of your comfort zone. 

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Spend your Winter in the Mediterranean

Today is a beautiful day in Berlin. I woke up early in the morning, got out of bed made my coffee, and headed to the window to open the shutter just to see my backyard covered in a sea of white snow, catching me completely off guard. I immediately thought to myself this is it, finally, the most wonderful time of the year has just begun. I started my day in a very happy mood with Christmas music in the background and a lot of work on my plate.

This all changed after I had to go out of the apartment only to be hit by the very strong and cold wind in my face. After spending less than 10 minutes outside in the cold, my legs started getting numb and I felt like my nose was about to fall out which then of course woke me up from my winter wonderland dream and brought me back to reality and the fact that I simply cannot bear the cold as someone who has lived most of their life on the Mediterranean Sea

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Best trips in December

5 Amazing Trips you should do in December

Planning your next trip and still don't know where to go? Don't worry we've got you covered

December is coming up and probably most of you are wondering where to go for vacation. It is finally that time of the year again and everyone is getting their suitcases out, ready for their next trip. Do you have your suitcase and passport ready but still don't know where you are heading to? Don't worry because we've got you covered with some of our recommendations on amazing trips you should do in December.

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Travel with JoinMyTrip