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Charles de Gaulle overtakes Heathrow as the busiest airport | Last Week’s News

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Travel News

Find the run down of the news below:

26 October 2020

World Travel & Tourism Council chief executive, Gloria Guevara, has said global tourism can recover from the Covid-19 pandemic by early 2022. However, the timeframe will require a great deal more cooperation between governments, she argued.

If the world fails to act to reopen tourism, as many as 100 million jobs could be lost, the WTTC has argued.

a passport that is lying in front of a plane window
World Travel

26 October 2020

The IATA urges government focus on testing to replace quarantine.

The chief executive of IATA has argued governments should move away from quarantine and toward pre-flight mass testing in the battle to contain Covid-19. Only then could international travel resume, Alexandre de Juniac said.

“We need to work collaboratively, there has to be strong cooperation between the actors – the airlines, hotels, tourist boards and, of course, governments.” Alexandre de Juniac

28 October 2020

Paris Charles de Gaulle has overtaken Heathrow as the busiest airport in Europe for the first time, with Amsterdam Schiphol and Frankfurt close behind.

All three European airports have implemented testing regimes

a picture inside of the airport
Charles de Gaulle

28 October 2020

According to the newest UNWTO World Tourism Barometer, international arrivals plunged 81 per cent in July and 79 per cent in August. The summer months are traditionally the two busiest of the year and mark the peak of the northern hemisphere tourism season.

Company News:

  • We have released our very own travel podcast which is available on all major streaming networks. We talk about our company, what we do, who we are and current topics. You can stream it everywhere (apple music, google podcasts, Spotify, amazon music,..) and we have already released 3 episodes and one special. Topics so far include regions in Germany, cultural discussions, an interview with our CEO about the travel start-up life and his around the world trip, the best place to go in Greece, Anna’s coworking trip… and there is so much more to come. So, make sure to tune in and give it a listen.
a screenshot of the travel podcast
Travel PodCast

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