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Frequent Flyer Trend Dominates in Most Countries | Travel News

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JoinMyTrip has you covered! In today’s travel news, as we know, the frequent flyer trend dominates in almost all countries.

Here is the most important travel news from around the world that we would like to share with you. Watch our daily YouTube Travel News Show, so you can stay informed every day. If you happen to have missed the previous episode, make sure to check that out too!

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31st of March, 2021

Frequent flyer trend dominates in most countries

As we know, the frequent flyer trend dominates in almost all countries. Research conducted in the UK suggests that 57% do not fly abroad at all. There are calls for a frequent flyer levy – a tax that increases the more you fly each year. Greenpeace supports the tax and also wants air miles banned because they say it encourages frequent flying. However, this is still under consideration by the UK Treasury as it is complex to administer. 

It is now compulsory to wear a face mask on the beach in Spain

In Spain, it is now compulsory to wear a face mask on the beach, according to new restrictions announced owing to the increase in COVID-19 cases. 

Testing requirements around the world are fragmented

Testing requirements around the world are currently fragmented. There are a lot of barriers and costs involved when rapid testing does not become available immediately for travelers. So, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) urged governments to accept best-in-class rapid tests in fulfillment of COVID -19 testing requirements 

Caribbean Airlines partners with Ink aviation

Caribbean Airlines has partnered with Ink aviation to use their Platform to seamlessly verify the Covid-19 health information of crew and passengers prior to departure.

Today’s Fun Travel Fact: Did you know that around 600 people work at Eiffel Tower daily?

Source: BBC, Majorca daily bulletin, Travel Daily News. 

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