Travel with JoinMyTrip

6 Fun Ways To Go Abroad

These are your opportunities in the big world!

I’m sure that, especially now during this difficult time, a lot of you out there are thinking about fun ways to go abroad. The pandemic is building up some frustration in all of us that needs to come out sooner or later. The best way to do that is to travel! Having thought about taking a year off myself for quite some time. After graduating from high school, I’ve been well-informed in many ways about the options we have. So I feel well prepared to present you with the best options. 😉

This blog is for all the undecided people who are either not clear about all their many possibilities. For all those who do not know what to do after graduation, but also for those who need a break from their stressful workday.

6. Language trips

Especially in the world we live in, language skills are essential. English is taken for granted and the more languages we speak, the better the chances we have of getting a good job. Therefore, language trips are a very popular way to expand one’s foreign language skills. According to the motto “learn by doing” you can use your learned knowledge in the respective national language directly on site. From my experience, I can say that I learned a completely different language at university and also at school, as it is actually spoken in the country or among the locals. That always annoyed me a lot, which is why I find the possibility of a language study trip really exciting!

a stack of newspaper laid out on a stall.
Language trips

5. Work and travel

Work and Travel is, in my opinion, one of the most fun ways to go abroad, because you are your own master. By that, I mean you are not bound to a contract, a place, or other people similar to as you are with language trips, for example. You can go wherever you want. Once you have found a place that you like and want to stay in, you have to look for a job. This is binding for a certain period of time, but when you have saved enough, you can set off again on your next adventure. This is especially possible in small odd jobs, like service.

Working together with locals gives you a great opportunity to get to know the lifestyle of the local people, the culture and also the language better. Since you will be working and traveling for a longer period of time, you will need a “Working Holiday Visa”, which allows you to travel for up to one year. If you decide to go out into the world, then you should definitely consider Work and Travel!

3 guys sitting behind a car outside with 3 backpacks on fun ways to go abroad adventure.
Work and travel

4. CoWorking

Another way to combine work and travel is CoWorking. Let’s face it: this way of traveling is going through the roof right now! The current pandemic allows for virtually no other type of travel, which is why this, very good, alternative has evolved. Professionals who are able to work remotely join together to work remotely abroad for a certain period of time. My dear colleague Anna is a CoWorking expert, as she has already organized many CoWorking trips herself via JoinMyTrip and participated in some other trips. As a TripLeader she has rented a house that offers enough space for all CoWorkers and of course, the appropriate equipment. A fast internet connection and enough workspace are essential. If you’re also interested in borrowing from your hometown and meeting like-minded professionals, check out JoinMyTrip’s CoWorking Trips.

A coworking trip in Portugal with a group of friends infront of the sea.

3. Volunteer work

Volunteering is a fun way to go abroad if you want to experience people and culture firsthand, and you want to get involved, contribute, and help at the same time. On-site, you will support non-profit organizations for people and animals by helping with specific social projects. It doesn’t matter if you have previous experience or not, because volunteer work is always needed, especially in developing countries!

It is important to know that you will most likely not earn any money, as the organizations you work for are non-profit. However, you will also have little to no expenses, as in most cases you will be provided a roof under your head and food for your work. Again, the staff interacts with the people who need help, learning deeply about the culture, but also the darker side of the country. Believe me, nothing is better than seeing the happy faces of the people you help! You get back twice as much as you give!

4 kids holding the peace sign infront of the camera and is a fun way to go abroad.
Volunteer work

2. Au Pair

Being an Au Pair is for those who don’t want to miss out on a small salary during their time abroad. You will be part of a family during your time abroad and support them as much as you can. There are many organizations available to help you find a suitable family. Some friends of mine have taken advantage of this fun way to go abroad, and have come home more responsible. Why? You are responsible for the children of the family, and in some cases for the household. Undoubtedly, this fosters your sense of responsibility. You learn what it is like to not only look after your own well-being but also of others.

Often there are other Au Pairs nearby with whom you can explore the area during your days off. As with any other way abroad, you will playfully learn the language of the country with the help of children.

3 girl kids sitting next to each other by the sea.
Au Pair

1. Farmwork

Now you’re probably imagining yourself in Texas, sitting on a horse on an old ranch in a cowboy hat, herding the animals. What can I say except, why not? During your time on the farm, you’ll be completely integrated into the family that owns the farm, and you’ll help out however you can. On the one hand, I imagine it’s pretty relaxing. Just being able to switch off, not thinking about anything, i.e. about today’s working day, and just physically working out and seeing where your limits are. If you decide to go abroad, you should be prepared for physical work. You will be rewarded with the warmth of the family and many new, unique experiences.

a red truck on a farm with a red farm house in the distance a great way to go abroad.

There are many fun ways to travel abroad and I hope you are now one step closer to deciding which way to go. If you are looking for travel buddies for your adventure, then take a look at JoinMyTrip. There you will find like-minded people who might have the same ideas like you!

For more information and tips, check out our other blogs:

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Travel with JoinMyTrip