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The best Spots for Photographers

A picture is worth a thousand words...

For many of us, traveling and photography go together like gin and tonic, like TripLeader and TripMate. Some places in this world are absolute top spots for photography-loving travelers and we now show you the 10 best places for (hobby) photographers...

10. Machu Picchu, Peru

MACHU PICCHUThis place is a dream destination for many photographers. The ruins from the 15th century tell incredible stories even in photos. Despite the many tourists who make a pilgrimage here every year, the place is worth a visit. It is not for nothing that it made it to the list of 50 places you must see before you die

If you want to learn more about Peru, you can also read our Peru travel guide

9. Vatnajökull Ice Cave, Iceland 


In Skaftafell National Park in Iceland you can admire the Vatnajökull glacier from underneath. The ice cave has a very strange, almost mystical light and is a unique subject for photos. Although photos will probably not match a visit to the impressive glacier. 

Go to Iceland

Iceland is one of our favorite travel destinations. In addition to a travel guide for your Iceland adventure, we also have the 10 best waterfalls in the land of...well waterfalls and a webinar about Iceland for you. So if you want your next trip to go here, check us out: 

8. Avenue of Baobabs, Madagascar


This unique and impressive avenue has even made it to the list of the most beautiful forests in the world. At sunrise or sunset they offer a spectacular photo backdrop. You can only find baobab trees on Madagascar and in Australia. 

7. Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia 


This surreal photo motif looks more like Photoshop, but it is real. In this completely dry desert in Bolivia, a layer of water forms in humid climate. When this water evaporates, a salt crust forms, making the place look like a moonscape. So if you want to travel in the footsteps of Neil Armstrong, you'll get especially close to the lunar landscape here. 

Explore South America Trips

6. Mauna Kea, Hawaii


Manau Kea is the highest point in Hawaii and offers an incredible view of the Milky Way! Photographers who dabble in astrophotography come here and take impressive photos. Light pollution is very low here in the middle of the Pacific Ocean which is why the pictures of our galaxy become especially impressive. An adventure to Hawaii is always worthwhile, so be sure to check out our Hawaii travel guide.

5. New York City, USA 


You probably already guessed that New York is on our list. The city of fashion and art is an incredible place for photographers because of its incredible architecture. Pictures from the observation deck of the Empire State Building or the Top of the Rock never fail to impress us all, because the light can just be different every day. 

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Learn how to be a photographer in New York
TripLeader Rolf 


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4. Marrakech, Morocco 

MARRAKECHMorocco is another popular destination for the JoinMyTrip community. Morocco and especially Marrakech have an incredible amount to offer. The interesting culture, markets and architecture also attract many photographers to the country every year. If you've photographed enough of the city, why not explore the Sahara and take impressive photos of the largest sand desert in the world.

Visit lively Morocco

3. Fairbanks, Alaska


Fairbanks, Alaska is the perfect place to see the Aurora Borealis in its full glory. Photographing the Northern Lights takes a little practice, though, because our eyes see these fantastic lights a little differently than the camera lens. So make sure you know how to take the perfect photo beforehand. 

2. Mt. Fuji, Japan


Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan with almost 3800m and an active volcano. From the city of Fuji you can take the perfect photos, harmonizing the Japanese culture with the surrounding nature. During a trip to Japan you will also pass by Fuji, because this mountain is one of the most famous in the world. 

Explore trips to japan

1. Antelope Canyon, Arizona, USA 


The Antelope Canyon is also a world famous motif. The canyon is much darker than it appears in most photos, but with high exposure time you can take absolutely incredible photos. The red rock and the sun's rays just look different every day, so it's definitely worth a visit! 

Are you up for a photo trip around the world? Then grab your photo gear and your TripMates and get going! JoinMyTrip will help you to find other like-minded travelers who share your passion for photography. Plan your trip today or join one of our many trips already planned

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For travel questions and photo tips, be sure to check out our new Travel Forum, where you can interact with other travelers and learn tips and tricks from our travel experts. Take a look! We look forward to seeing you. 

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