Travel with JoinMyTrip

How Travel can Change your Life | JoinMyTrip Edition

At JoinMyTrip, we believe that travel can change lives...

Our CEO, Niels, founded JoinMyTrip after traveling the world. He realized on his way how little he was made for the world of big companies and therefore started his own adventure. 

Besides Niels, the whole team had positive experiences with travel. Many came back after longer trips with a clear head. Everything new! was often the motto. Our colleague Stella realized that she was not made for a 9-5 job in a German government agency and Kira quit her studies after a six-month stay abroad and started her life completely new. Travel changes lives and we at JoinMyTrip love and live travel, so let us tell you this...

Travel makes you brave 

Traveling makes you brave because you try things you would never do otherwise.

We all know that traveling makes us face new challenges. Our team members Juliana and Valeska have learned on their travels how to get out more and suddenly talk to complete strangers. The JoinMyTrip concept also supports exactly that - making new friends you don't know yet. 

But challenges can also be activities that you would otherwise avoid. Stella, for example, realized through a hike on Mt. Rainier that she actually quite likes hiking and discovering nature. Kira, on the other hand, first faced her fear of (large) spiders in Australia and then also her fear of deep water, because on a dive you learn that the depth is not so bad 😉

Do you want to be brave and face new adventures? Then we have something for you: 

Join TripLeader Riaz





Join TripLeader Riaz on a sailing adventure in Croatia


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You learn new things when you travel

Sunset yoga.

A steaming saucepan

All of our team say they have learned new things while traveling. For some it was a new language, others learned to cook new and exotic dishes. Everything is possible and if you explicitly go on a trip to discover something new, it can be anything. For example, you want to learn more about yoga or surfing? Then discover our CoLearning Trips and take a vacation while you learn something new.

Explore CoLearning Trips

According to our dear colleagues Anna and Niels, traveling also teaches you how to deal with stress and in the end, you handle unfamiliar situations much more calmly. Zeyna, who takes care of the community at JoinMyTrip, can only confirm this, as she has learned on her travels not to let little things stress her out. Another useful skill that we became aware of especially through longer trips: organizing & planning. Especially if you are traveling alone or just the two of you, then you should be able to plan. If you are not yet a particularly good planner, then you can rely on our TripLeader! Travel around the world without the planning stress and let someone else plan who is good at it. 😉

When you travel, you grow beyond yourself

A cozy nest of blankets in which a reading person sits, right on the cliffs overlooking the sea.

Whenever you find yourself in a life crisis and don't know what to do - go on a journey. You question and learn who you actually are, what you like, and what you don't. Our colleague Alex, for example, has become more independent and mature on her travels. According to Niels, you even learn what is important in life and what you can rather put on the back burner. 

And our business development intern Robin has captured very well that traveling is also always about challenges and problems to which you have to find a solution by growing beyond yourself and learning new things. So travel can also make us better people who go through life more reflective and less selfish. As soon as you come home from a trip, you think about the incredible people you met and then slowly but surely realize that everyone's life goes on. Not just your own. 

On her travels Anna has experienced that home is a feeling, not a place. We couldn't agree with her more. Certain places mean more to us because we felt more comfortable there. Get out of your comfort zone, maybe your new sense of home is waiting just around the corner. 

Travel changes our view of nature

Ein grüner Wald, im Hintergrund sieht man einen kleinen Wasserfall. Das Bild wirkt sehr friendlich.

We have all had to learn painfully on our journeys that we only have one planet and that we have to be extra careful with what we have. There are small moments that have turned our worldview upside down. For Kira, it was during a snorkeling trip on a coral reef where plastic shreds of shopping bags floated towards her. Travel teaches us to expand our horizons and question our old choices. We should all be aware that our life in Western Europe or the USA is quite privileged and we should be grateful for it. 

If you want to learn more about how to travel sustainably and better protect nature (especially wildlife), we have these two recommendations from our blog for you: 

Travel broadens our horizons

View of the setting sun on the horizon, just above the sea.

Traveling, in general, makes us more open, we question things more often and you learn many things about yourself and the world. Our colleague Mariellen, has been amazed to discover during her travels that people are much friendlier and more helpful than we actually believe. Also, we all believe that it is easier for us to appreciate different cultures and many of us have learned how privileged our life in Europe actually is. Because, if you can read this article, you are more privileged than 53% of the people on this planet who live without internet access. 

When traveling, you not only learn new things about yourself and new skills, but you usually try your way through the country's menu. In the process, you then realize, for example, that crickets in honey don't taste all that bad...😉

A group of friends run from a beach into the water.

Do you want to know more about the JoinMyTrip team? Then take a look at our About Us page! 


Who actually is JoinMyTrip?


Glad to see you're still around! What have you learned on your travels? Drop us a line in the comments, either here or on our social media platforms, we always love to hear from our community! By the way, you can also share your travel experiences with all other travel enthusiasts in our brand new forum! Check it out! 

We should all be less afraid of the unknown, so pack your bags and head out on a new adventure. If you don't want to go alone, join JoinMyTrip and discover TripMates with whom you can explore the world. Or become a TripLeader and share your enthusiasm for travel with other like-minded adventurers


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Travel with JoinMyTrip