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Where to go in Spring 2021

Our Top 7 Destinations in Europe for Next Year

Question: What are your top destinations for spring 2021? If you have answered this question with “no idea”, we will be happy to help you. Today we present to you our top 7 destinations for spring 2021 in Europe!

Experience untouched nature in Madeira

The island of flowers in the Atlantic Ocean is perfect for spring because the island has a wonderful climate all year round. Nature is a true spectacle here, many beautiful sights are created from the landscape and you can find these sights on land as well as underwater.

On land, for example, you can find the laurel forest. The forest is the only nature reserve in Madeira, whose diversity of flora has not been fully recorded to date. In the forest, you will find not only laurel trees but also many other plants and small animals. Added bonus: The entrance to the forest is free! 🙂

A real highlight and also a secret tip are the Ilhas Selvagens, the “wild islands”. This group of islands is 280 km away from Madeira and can only be visited when you book a tour. The reason for this is that these islands are a special nature reserve where no people are allowed to live. In addition, the islands have an intact flora, as herbivores have never come to the island. Everywhere on the islands, you will also find breeding grounds for many sea birds!

Underwater you can visit the Garajau Nature Reserve. You can find it in the east of the bay of Funchal. At high tide, the coast is flooded so that the depth of the sea reaches 50 m. During your dive, you may be lucky enough to see manta rays.

Madeira is a very safe destination in Europe in spring 2021, and early on during the Corona Pandemic, the autonomous region took action and established emergency plans and strict rules. This makes the island one of the safest regions in Europe. At JoinMyTrip you will find unique trips to Madeira, created by our trip leader Fabian. Top tip: The island can be visited all year round due to the pleasant climate.

a waterfall surrounded by plants in Madeira perfect destination for spring 2021

Alternatives in Italy

Italy is always worth a trip, we don’t have to argue about that. Of course, Rome, Pisa and Venice should be on your travel bucket list, but this is true for many travelers. We want to show you a few alternatives where you won’t encounter large crowds.

These include Lazio, a region in central Italy through which the Tiber River runs. Rome is also in this province, but there are other places away from the big city. Like Latina, for example. The region offers beautiful beaches and traditional villages. Here you can also visit the National Park Circeo.

Have you ever heard of the Emiliana Romagna region? If not, it should be on your list for your Italy travel partners. In Emiliana Romagna, in the north of the country, there are the cities of Rimini, Parma and Bologna. You can safely leave them aside if you prefer to avoid large crowds of people due to the current health situation. For there are many other beautiful places in the region. Nature parks especially invite you to admire the landscape. In the province of Emiliana Romagna alone there are 14 national parks and 11 reserves. 

Bordering Emiliana Romagna, our next destination, the Marche Region, is located in the east of the country. You should come here with your travel buddies using bikes because this is the best way to explore the region. The biggest city is Ancona, it is built on a steep coast and you should definitely visit the Piazzale del Duomo.

a shot of a little road with cars parked either side and blue sky in the background

Familiarity in Greece

In our opinion, Greece is one of the most beautiful countries. Our community loves this country as well, so you will find many travel partners for Greece on our platform. In this blog, we dedicate ourselves to the mainland of Greece. If you want to know more about the most beautiful Greek islands, please read our blog on the top 5 islands in Greece.

On the mainland, we will start by telling you about the second-largest city in Greece – Thessaloniki. There are many sights in the city that bear the millenary history of the country. The oldest ruins date back to the Greco-Roman period, as excavations from the 3rd century BC at Dioikitiriou Square show. You can also visit the Forum Romanum and the mausoleum from the Roman period.

For a day trip or a long weekend, you can go from Thessaloniki to Chalkidiki. This peninsula consists of the main part and 3 headlands, of which you can visit 2. Chalkidiki is also very popular among the Greek people as a destination for spring 2021.

If you prefer to travel off the beaten track and are traveling with your hiking partner, you should go to the Pindos National Park. This is located north of Ioannina. This area lies in the northwest at the border to Albania. Here you can enjoy nature and the seclusion. Also in this national park is the Vikos gorge. With 900m it is actually the deepest gorge in the world! 

shrubbery and landscape in Greece making it a perfect destination for Spring 2021

Discover history in Denmark

Denmark is naturally the paradise for quiet journeys in beautiful vacation houses at the north or Baltic Sea. But what else does the country have to offer apart from the beaches? We show you!

The Scandinavian country is also rich in history, especially from the Viking Age. This includes Jelling, one of the most important historical sites in the whole country. Here you will find rune stones from the Viking Age, these stones are also known as the “birth certificate of the country”. At Lindholm Høje, in the north of the country near Aalborg, there are gravesites dating back to the Iron Age (500-320 BC), about which you can learn more at the local museum.

If you would like to explore the beautiful castles of the country, you should start at Frederiksborg Castle in Zealand. There you can walk through the picturesque castle garden and see 500 years of Denmark. You can even walk in the footsteps of Shakespeare in Denmark. Kronborg Castle is situated at the top of the north and is the castle of Hamlet from the play of the same name by the English artist.

For all nature lovers, Denmark has a lot to offer. Here you should focus on alternative accommodation because camping is possible for everyone. At Scandinavisk Dyrpark you can sleep in lavvu tents that remind you of tipis. But that’s not all. Since you are completely surrounded by nature, you can wake up to the sounds of bears and wolves! This is definitely something for all adventurers among you.

a very regal looking place, a living room with paintings on the wall, a table and stairs in the middle of the room

Admiring antiquity in Turkey

Turkey, the beautiful city of Istanbul, is on the agenda for many travelers. And we know why! The city is also one of our favorite destinations for spring 2021, and you should not miss the Hagia Sophia, the big bazaar and the sunken palace. Especially for history fans, Turkey is a wonderful destination for 2021.

To understand the history between Turkey and Greece you should travel to Izmir, this city is located in the west of the country. From Izmir, it is not far to Ephesus, where you will find the temple of Artemis. This temple was one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world and the city of Ephesos was built by the Greeks. Also in the region around Ephesos, is the Celsus library from the Roman time. This library was built between 117 and 125 AD and was rediscovered in 1903.

From Izmir, you can also make a wonderful day trip to Didyma. Didyma is an ancient sanctuary, which was used as an oracle site of the god Apollo. The temple is one of the best-preserved larger buildings of the ancient world. Once you have arrived here you will also find a lot of Greek culture, as the eastern Greek islands are not far away.

an old site in Turkey, a ruin with blue skies in the background a perfect destination for spring 2021

High culture in Cyprus

Cyprus, like Madeira, is a wonderful destination at any time of the year and any month. In springtime, the temperature can reach 20 degrees! 

As many of you know, the island is divided in two. The southern part of the island is Cypriot, while the north belongs to Turkey. However, there are no conflicts between the parts of the island, but good economic and social connections. 

Cyprus has no real tourist strongholds, rather smaller spaces where you can meet other travelers here and there. 

Our first place to add to your destinations for spring 2021 is Páfos. The town is located on the southwest coast of the island and here you will find ancient culture and nice restaurants on the coast. The city has been around since the 15th century BC and has been through a lot (so to say) since then. You can get to know this history on the spot. By plane, you can also get there directly from Germany. 

Cyprus is also perfect for all hikers among you because in the west you can explore the Tróodos mountains. It occupies about one-third of the country and is a great place for an adventure. From the top of the highest mountain, Olympus (2.000 meters), you can overlook the whole country.

On the Turkish side of the island, the port city of Famagusta is a real highlight. Here you will find most of the tourist attractions of the Turkish part. These include ancient sites, beautiful cafés and an active nightlife. 

a little fischerman's boat with blue water and blue skies, palm trees in the background

Baltic culture in Estonia

Estonia is our top tip for spring 2021! This country is simply unique and definitely worth a visit. 

Here we want to start with the traditional food. Estonian food is characterized by freshness and regionality. Estonians have a steadily growing awareness of organic and biological food and want to share this view with you as well. There are many spots where you can enjoy traditional food, but there are also more and more chefs reinterpreting tradition. 

In order to work off the many calories, you can choose to explore one of the wonderful hiking trails in Estonia. Whether you hike along the Baltic Sea or venture into the deep forests is up to you.

Especially for all travelers for whom sustainability is important when traveling, Estonia should be on the travel list for spring 2021. There is already an ecological quality seal, the EHE (“Original and Interesting Estonia”), which is awarded to tourism companies that are especially committed to the environment and the cultural heritage of the country. There are numerous accommodations and activities that are considered sustainable in Estonia!

a shot of a city in Estonia, with houses and a cathedral a great place for spring 2021

We cannot wait until spring 2021. There are so many beautiful destinations that all of us still need to explore, our top 7 are just the beginning. For even more inspiration you can read the following articles:

Why people are already booking spring 2021 vacations

The 6 most beautiful places in Austria

Top 10 cities to visit in Europe and worldwide

The 6 Most Beautiful Regions in Austria…

Travel Podcast – Different Cultures (Episode 2)

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