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New Mexico eases travel restrictions | Travel News

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JoinMyTrip has you covered! On today’s travel news, New Mexico eases travel restrictions.

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11th of February 2021

Germany tightens travel restrictions to and from China 

The German government has warned travelers that traveling to China could mean weeks of hospitalized quarantine upon arrival and ‘’invasive’’ medical tests. 

Sour relationship between airlines and OTAs could halt recovery

Due to the many cancellations and disputes between airlines and online travel agencies over cancellation policies the travel industry could be hurt long term with many customers losing trust in the process. 

The UK warns of loss of yet another summer

As the UK was one of the European countries worst hit by the pandemic, government officials warn that holidays this summer might not happen. Many expected 2021 to bring about a travel-surge but with the mutations waging this is looking more and more unrealistic. 

New Mexico to ease travel restrictions

The people living in New Mexico welcome the decision of easing all travel restrictions meaning e.g. that people coming from high-risk countries do not have to quarantine anymore. Whether this decision is the right one to make remains disputed. 

Sources: The Local, Aerospace Technology, CNN, KRQE News

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