Travel with JoinMyTrip

10 Reasons Why YOU Should Become a TripLeader

Find out why JoinMyTrip is right for you

You want to travel the world but the only thing missing is the fun travel buddies? Then JoinMyTrip is the right place for you. Create and offer your unique trips on our platform, find amazing TripMates to join you and besides that, earn some money while doing what you love most. Sounds great? We think so too! So read on to find out why you should become a TripLeader on JoinMyTrip now. 

10. You’re a real globetrotter 

Do you consider the world to be your oyster? Do you love traveling? Then this is the right place for you! JoinMyTrip offers you a platform on which you can plan and create your unique trip and share it with our huge community of keen travelers. Thousands of eager travelers are waiting for you to offer your trip, so what are you waiting for? Become a TripLeader today.  

man holding a compass in his hands to become a TripLeader
You’re a real globetrotter 

9. Solo travel is not your cup of tea

Are all of your friends busy or have no money? Perhaps they don’t share the same passion for discovery as you do. At JoinMyTrip, you can find travel buddies that share the same passion as you so you are never alone. Where else do you meet cosmopolitan people with completely different backgrounds and experiences? The more mixed the group is, the more exciting the journey becomes. 

Group of friends at the beach
Solo travel is not your cup of tea

8. Money, money, money

You want to travel but don’t have a big budget? At JoinMyTrip, you can reduce your trip costs by sharing them with your fellow TripMates. On top of this, you can share a room with a TripMate, you could rent a car with all of them or hire a private tour guide, whatever you choose to do, the costs are much lower if you share. Does becoming a TripLeader sound appealing to you yet? 😉

Check out JoinMyTrip now and see what all the hype is about! 

a glass with coins in it to become a TripLeader
Money, money, money

7. JoinMyTrip helps you find TripMates

JoinMyTrip supports you in finding suitable TripMates. When you post your journey on the website, you can share your journey anywhere; whether it’s on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, WhatsApp, forums, or anywhere else. Of course, your trip is also shared on all social media channels of JoinMyTrip and in our weekly newsletter. And by the way, more than 50.000 monthly visitors to the website see your trip too…

group of people sat on a viewing platform in the mountains
JoinMyTrip helps you find TripMates

6. JoinMyTrip supports you

Still unsure about becoming a TripLeader? We offer our full customer support to our TripLeaders at all times. At the planning stage, before the trip, during, after – we are here for you! We also have a great blog where you can find lots of tips, tricks, and inspiration all about traveling. For example, find backpacking tips for Southeast Asia or the perfect pack list for everything you need to take on a road trip

lots of maps on the floor when becoming a TripLeader
JoinMyTrip supports you

5. Easy peasy lemon squeezy

With JoinMyTrip it’s super easy to plan your trip as with the editor you can put in exactly what your stops are, whether the dates are flexible or not, how much it will cost etc. Our safe payment solution makes it really easy for you to receive money from your joining TripMates. Just calculate the cost with our easy to use calculator, connect your bank account, and wait for TripMates to start paying you. Simple! 

To get a first taste of what your trip could look like, check out all the amazing trips on JoinMyTrip now

A globe
Easy peasy lemon squeezy

4. You decide who joins you 

Different from other tour operators is that you can actually get to know your potential TripMates before traveling. Chat to them and see if you’d be a good fit. Only once you are completely sure, you can send them a payment request. This way you know you’re not stuck with people you have nothing in common with. The fact that TripMates pay a certain amount when they book on your trip means you can rest assured that they won’t back out last minute. Looking forward to a trip has never been so easy! 

a stack of suitcases when becoming a TripLeader
You decide who joins you 

3. Meet new people & always feel safe

You’re never alone. Explore together, share stories, stay safe together. In a group, you simply experience and laugh more. Travelling alone in a strange city in the evening? Most of the time, not a good idea. It is much safer to go to the accommodation together with your new friends. A group rarely gets hurt. 

a group of guys sat on a hill laughing together
Meet new people & always feel safe

2. No panic on the titanic!

If something doesn’t go as planned, do not worry. Although you might be in charge of planning and organization, JoinMyTrip is made for everyday people. We know that you’re not a professional tour guide so if something goes wrong, we help you deal with the problem. 

If you’re still wondering whether group travel post corona is a good idea, read our blog about the 5 reasons you should travel in a group right now

a globe close up when becoming a TripLeader
No panic on the titanic!

1. Unforgettable adventures are waiting 

The best part? The memories you will have forever. Traveling bonds people together more than most things in life so get ready to have life-changing experiences. Usually, you start your trip with a group of strangers and come back home with friends. 

a group of girls dancing in the sunset with their hands up
Unforgettable adventures are waiting 

Look, if these reasons haven’t convinced you to become a TripLeader yet, then there’s no helping you… 😉 Just know that you’re missing out on having the best time of your life. We actually think we are pretty convincing, don’t you? Then go ahead and create your first trip now

For more articles on TripLeaders and TripMates check out our other blog posts: 

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Travel with JoinMyTrip