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The Best Coworking Spaces 2021

How to find the right Coworking space for you, 6 top tips

Have you been considering going on a Coworking trip yourself but not sure where or even how to start? Good thing you came across this page! We are about to give you 6 tips you need to keep in mind when finding the right coworking space for you and your possible coworking buddies.

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6. The right environment

When searching for your coworking space make sure you feel comfortable working in that environment. The environment has to fit, so you can take full advantage of your coworking space and be as productive as ever. Now when we say environment, this doesn’t only mean the working space, but also the people you choose to surround yourself with. Make sure your coworking space as a whole has a nice atmosphere and aesthetic which creates a nice environment for you to be around. Notice the temperature, lighting, outside noises, moisture, whether you know it or not, all these little things have an impact. A tip from us is to choose to surround yourself with lots of greenery. Being surrounded by plants gives you a sense of calm and relaxation. Plus, when are plants not nice to have around?

An office room with a yellow couch and white coffee table placed infront of it.
The right environment

5. Privacy

This is one of the most important tips for a coworking space. You will be sharing the working space with other remote professionals and meetings will most likely occur. Even though you might think you don’t need it, but trust us you will NEED a quiet space where you can go in and close the door during calls. You will thank us for this.

Make sure there’s enough space for everyone to escape at the same time. Calls and meetings will most often happen for several people at once so ensure there’s more than just one at the absolute minimum. Otherwise, this might result in some tricky situations especially if you will be staying there for a longer period of time. Or, if the space gets too loud and everyone starts chatting, but you really need to focus on something, you will want to escape to somewhere quiet.

The best coworking spaces in 2021 is to be able to have your own privacy in two yellow pods.

4. High-Speed internet connection in your Coworking space

This might seem like an obvious one, but how can you work in a coworking space without an internet connection in today’s world? Or worse, if the internet connection simply takes years to load. You want your coworking space to have the best internet connection at all times so this doesn’t slow you and everyone else down.

3 woman sitting around a table with their laptops open and they are laughing.
High-Speed internet connection in your Coworking space

3. Kitchen space

You want your coworking space to have easy access to all the essentials to keep you functioning all day. Coffee, food, a small microwave to heat up food, this doesn’t have to be anything fancy. Just make sure you have all the small necessities that give you quick and easy access to everything you need. You don’t want to be having to leave the coworking space every single time you want a coffee or something to snack on.

two woman standing in a kitchen with cups in their hands while one of them pours coffee.
Kitchen space

2. Necessary working tools

To ensure maximum productivity make sure you and your coworking buddies have all the necessary working tools for your time there, this way you won’t even feel like you’re out of the office. To name a few; suitable working tables, chairs, printers, scanners, and depending on what else you might think you need for a fully functioning office. We can’t all be working from a pool 24/7. We truly wish we could, but we sometimes need the traditional desk and chairs every now and then.

the best coworking spaces in 2021 are ones with a laptop and desktop on top of a black table.
Necessary working tools

1. Share Coworking space with like-minded professionals

The number one tip of them all is to find like-minded professionals to share your coworking space with. Choose to surround yourself with like-minded professionals who can continuously inspire you and learn from one another. You will be surprised by how everyone has their own indiviual expertise that they bring to the whole group. Also, you will never feel alone again because you are surrounded with people who are experiencing this together with you.

2 men sitting on a chair laughing and talking while three people in the background are cooking.
Share Coworking space with like-minded professionals

To learn more about how you can find the right coworking buddy for you, check out our YouTube show. Our digital nomad, Anna gives you tips on what to look for in a coworking buddy and how you can connect with other digital nomads in your area. Start watching it here:

If you are interested in joining coworking trips in unique destinations check out our trips on JoinMyTrip or you can plan your own!

Check out these articles for more information on Coworking:

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