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Saudi Arabia to open borders for tourism | Travel News

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JoinMyTrip has you covered! On today’s travel news, Saudi Arabia plans to open borders to tourism on March 31st. 2 weeks before the country’s biggest religious celebration, Ramadan. 

Here are the most important travel news from around the world, and also any big company news we would like to share with you. Watch our daily YouTube Travel News Show, so you can stay informed every day. If you happen to have missed the previous episode, make sure to check it out too!

11th January 2021

EasyJet receives £1.4 billion in loan

The low-cost airline EasyJet has successfully received a five-year £1.4 billion government-backed loans. This will help them get rid of a number of aircraft assets and strengthen their balance sheet. EasyJet believes they will be able to pay back the loan in no time with their strong brand positioning and in hope that customers will return to travel in 2021

Dubai has been removed from the quarantine-free list in Scotland

Due to the increasing infection rates, Scotland has declared Dubai as a risk area. Travelers traveling back to Scotland from Dubai are now required to self-quarantine. 

Israel hopes to open borders in the summer

In 2020, Israel tourism was down by 81%. Israel now plans on opening its borders to tourism this upcoming summer in the hope to bring back travelers to the country.

Saudi Arabia to open borders for tourism

Saudi Arabia plans to reopen its borders for tourism on March 31st. Before that foreigners are not allowed to enter the country nor are Saudi nationals allowed to leave the country. 

Spring Festival travel rush preparation in China

Many Chinese cities have tightened their travel restrictions due to the possible Spring Festival travel rush. As a result of this, it is predicted that it will increase infection rates in the country. Travelers traveling during the Spring Festival are asked to follow safety protocols and to avoid unnecessary travels to their hometowns. 

Source: Breaking Travel News, Travel Off Path, Global Times

We hope you enjoyed this episode of JoinMyTrip Travel News. See you tomorrow!

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