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Your JoinMyTrip COVID Update in January

Your monthly COVID Update is here!

Travel restrictions and requirements currently change almost daily and you can't really plan ahead. we want to provide you with a monthly update, where we post current news and restrictions. This Blog will be updated weekly and if restrictions change you will find out here! 

Travel Restrictions and COVID regulations can change quickly in almost every country. The website on Foreign Travel Advice by the British Government has good information on travel restrictions and requirements for quarantine or testing before entering a country.

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Current Travel Restrictions in Europe


A big part of travelers is currently traveling around Europe. Here are the travel restrictions for some of the most popular destinations. 

Trips in Europe


Spain has been hit hard by COVID-19 over the last almost two years, the situation is still dire. 

Entry Requirements 

Generally, travelers are allowed to enter Spain but have to hand in a health check document before entering the country. You can find it here. Furthermore, you have to be either vaccinated, recovered, or tested negative (PCR Test) for COVID-19 before entering Spain. You can find more information here. 



Portugal currently has high case numbers and is very strict about enforcing rules. 

Entry Requirements 

Every traveler has to provide a negative test result (PCR or Antigen) upon arrival in Portugal. This test is not allowed to be older than 46h/72h. This is also mandatory for vaccinated and recovered people. Additionally, every traveler has to hand in a passenger locator form, which can be found here. Portuguese officials will also check body temperatures upon arrival. If your temperature lies above 38°C you will be put into quarantine. You can find more detailed information here. 


Italy also has a high number of COVID cases. If your journey to Italy is not necessary, you should not take it. 

Entry Requirements

Only fully vaccinated travelers can currently enter Italy. To do so travelers need to complete a passenger locator form and provide a negative PCR- Test which is not older than 48h or an Antigen Test, which isn't older than 24h. More information can be found here


For further information please consult the website of your local government and the governments of the country you plan to visit. The British government provides viable information here

A German version of this post can be found here.

Current Travel Restrictions for Africa


Especially in the wintertime, the African continent is a popular destination for travelers. But keep in mind that vaccination rates and active measures against the spread of COVID-19 might differ from Western Europe and the US. Please stay safe and get tested as much as you can even if it is not required - Safe travels! 

Trips to Africa


COVID-19 cases are up in Egypt and the omicron variant is hitting the country hard. 

Entry Requirements 

Travelers entering Egypt need to complete a paper health declaration, which can be filled out before arrival. To enter Egypt travelers also have to provide either proof of vaccination or a negative PCR-Test which cannot be older than 48h. Further information can be found here


Botswana has been hit hard by the virus. 

Entry Requirements 

To enter Botswana travelers need to provide a negative PCR-Test, which cannot be older than 72h upon arrival. When entering the country you will have to do another free Antigen Test. You are not required to carry proof of vaccination or recovery. Further Info can be found here. 


The situation in Ghana is currently stable but the country is still affected by the pandemic.

Entry Requirements 

To enter Ghana every traveler above the age of 18 needs to provide a valid vaccination certificate and a PCR-Test not older than 72h. Additionally, travelers need to provide proof of payment for another PCR-Test at the airport in Accra. The PCR test costs about $150 and has to be booked via the airport website. All travelers also have to hand in a "Health Declaration Form" before entering the country. More Info can be found here.


Traveling to Morocco is currently not possible as all flights have been suspended until the 31st of January 2022. This ban might be elongated afterward. All borders are closed and entering and exiting the country is not possible. You can find more detailed info here


Namibia has been hit hard by COVID-19 and has put strict measures into place to contain the spread of the virus.

Entry Requirements 

Namibia is part of the Trusted Travel Initiative, which helps to verify tests from international travelers. To enter the country travelers require a negative PCR-Test from a certified laboratory that is not older than 72h. Certified laboratories can be found on the Trusted Travel Website. If your test is older than 72h due to delays or long travel times you need to take another test at the airport and you have to quarantine until your receive a negative result. You can find more details and further information here

South Africa 

South Africa has been hit hard by the virus. 

Entry Requirements 

Every traveler over the age of 5 has to present a negative PCR test, that's not older than 72h upon arrival. Officials recommend carrying several copies of that test result because you might need to hand a copy in. Additionally, travelers need to provide the following documents: 

These documents will be checked before boarding your flight and upon arrival in South Africa. More detailed info can be found here


The situation in Tanzania is very unclear and the country has been hit hard by the pandemic. Please stay safe when traveling to Tanzania.

Entry Requirements 

All travelers need to provide a negative PCR Test that is not older than 96h upon arrival. Additionally, travelers have to hand in an online travelers surveillance form 24h before arrival. You might be asked to take another Antigen Test when arriving in Tanzania, which will cost you about $10-15, and your temperature might be taken at the airport. You can find current and updated information here. 

Current Travel Restrictions in Asia


Many travelers make their way to Asia every winter to get away from the rain and the snow in Europe. 

Trips to Asia


Traveling to Indonesia is currently not possible from most countries. All Borders are closed and travelers require special permission to enter the country.
Only travelers from these countries are currently allowed to enter Indonesia and its islands: 

  • Angola
  • Botswana 
  • Denmark 
  • Eswatini
  • France 
  • Lesotho
  • Malawi
  • Mozambique 
  • Namibia 
  • Norway
  • South Africa 
  • Zambia 
  • Zimbabwe


Thailand is still strongly affected by the pandemic. The so-called 'Test and Go' program was put on hold until further notice. The sandbox project for Phuket is still running. 

Entry Requirements 

Entering Thailand is quite complicated at the moment and requires a lot of patience and paper documents. First of all, all entering travelers have to quarantine upon arrival. If you are vaccinated there is a mandatory 7- day quarantine. If you are recovered or unvaccinated you need to quarantine for 14 days. 

The following documents are needed to enter Thailand: 

  • Online Registration via Thailand Pass 
  • Proof of international health insurance that will cover at least $50.000 and all COVID-19 Treatments
  • Proof that you have arranged for quarantine accommodation for the time of your mandatory quarantine. A list of quarantine hotels can be found at your local Thai embassy. 
  • Negative PCR-Test, not older than 72h upon arrival
  • A second PCR-Test when arriving 
  • A third PCR-Test after 5 or 6 days
  • Install the Thai Tracking App "MorChana"

You can find more detailed information about the complicated and expensive entry requirements here


Turkey has been hit hard by the pandemic.  

Entry Requirements 

All travelers over the age of 6 need to complete an online form 72h before arrival in Turkey. Travelers also need to provide proof of vaccination or recovery or a negative PCR Test (taken 72h before entry) or antigen test (taken 48h before entry). You can find more information here.  

United Arab Emirates

The UAE is still affected by the pandemic but has been open almost the whole time during the pandemic.

Entry Requirements 

Tourists are still allowed to enter the country. When entering the country travelers have to provide proof of international health insurance and you have to register in an online portal before arrival. All travelers (including vaccinated and recovered people) have to provide a negative PCR-Test upon arrival. Further information can be found here

Current Travel Restrictions in Central & South America


Central and South America are loved by backpackers, who love adventure as much as they love beach bumming. You should definitely pack a bikini when traveling here!

Trips to South America


Bolivia is still affected by the pandemic. You need to adhere strictly to hygiene and safety regulations in the country. 

Entry Requirements 

Upon entering Bolivia travelers have to provide a negative PCR-Test that is not older than 72h. Unvaccinated travelers need to do another test upon arrival. 48 hours before arrival all travelers need to register on an online portal. Registration on this portal is location-based. If you change accommodation you also need to change your data on the portal. Further information can be found here

Costa Rica 

Costa Rica is one of the few countries which have been open throughout the whole pandemic! At the moment the country is thinking about implementing a strategy to only allow fully vaccinated travelers to enter the country. 

Entry Requirements 

Before entering Costa Rica travelers have to complete the "Pase de Salud". Additionally, unvaccinated passengers need to provide proof of international health insurance, which will also cover treatment in case of a COVID-19 infection. You can find more detailed information here.


Ecuador is still strongly affected by the pandemic. Especially the capital, Quito, has been a hotspot throughout the pandemic.

Entry Requirements 

Travelers can only enter Ecuador by plane, all other borders are closed. Before arrival travelers need to fill out a digital health certificate. Before boarding passengers to Ecuador have to present a negative PCR-Test that is not older than 72h and a valid vaccination certificate. You can find more information here


Columbia is still heavily affected by the pandemic and there are safety and hygiene regulations throughout the country. 

Entry Requirements 

Travels entering Colombia need to be fully vaccinated and have to prove it. Kids and Teenagers until the age of 16 are exempt from these regulations but have to provide a PCR-Test upon entry. 48 hours before entering Colombia passengers have to complete the 'Migración Colombia' form. When leaving the form has to be filed again. Further information about entering Columbia can be found here


Mexico is also a popular destination in winter. The country is still heavily affected by COVID-19 and there are safety measures in place all over the country. 

Entry Requirements 

When entering Mexico travelers need to fill out the „Cuestionario de Pasajero" . At airports, officials will check temperatures. There are no other requirements for traveling to Mexico. You can find more in-depth information here

Even though all of these measures seem scary - travel is possible! Stay safe when traveling and adhere to safety and hygiene regulations. Wear a mask, if you can wear a half-filtering or filtering mask do so! Stay safe and healthy and we're excited to have you back on board for all of your future adventures!

We're always here for you, even if you can't travel or you need to make last-minute changes. Our wonderful customer service is always here for you! 

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