Travel with JoinMyTrip

Travel Podcast – Different Cultures (Episode 2)

Let’s talk about cultures!

Today, in our very second episode…

We’re looking at the many differences in cultures from around the world, and how funny it may be to travel to other countries if you are American, Australian, British or German. For example: did you know that the tip in a restaurant is not included in Germany? Well, our team mate Cath didn’t know so listen to her funny story finding out about that!

We talk about the positive stereotypes, and also the negative misconceptions we may have about other cultures. Hopefully this can help when traveling with other international TripMates or when planning a Trip on JoinMyTrip to any country you have not been in.

Listen to our Episode 2 about the different cultures right here, right now:

Travel Podcast Episode 2 – Different Cultures

If you like to watch our video along with the podcast, head right to YouTube to sweeten your day with our stories:

Just to remind you (not that we think you don’t have an excellent memory), we collected all the platforms you can listen to our Travel Podcast Episode 2 – Different Cultures:

Travel Podcast Different Cultures
List of all platform where you can find our podcast

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