Travel with JoinMyTrip

Posts about: Sailing

The top sailing spots this summer with a man on a sailing boat swinging a black bag

Top 5 Sailing Spots This Summer

It's al-waves fun when you're out on a boat

It’s a-boat time you go sailing this summer, with the wind blowing through your hair, having a mini titanic moment with your very own Jack. Life couldn’t be better. Here at JoinMyTrip, we are a company that bleeds adventure, we live it, and we encourage everyone else to make their own unique adventures as well. We believe sailing is truly one of the greatest joys of traveling and the best way to explore the world and its Seven Seas. Plus, we know exactly how you can get the most out of your holidays with the top 5 sailing spots this summer. All aboard!

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Sailing into the Blue | Trip of the Week

Start sailing into the Croatian blues

Welcome back to another episode of “Trip of the Week” where our team member Emilie will be presenting to you all the available trips that we have on the JoinMyTrip platform weekly! In our 3rd episode, Emilie has chosen her favorite trip of this week which is “Sailing into the Blue ⛵ Freedom, Adventure & Sea in Croatia” with TripLeader Riaz. Tune in as Emilie tells you about what the trip will entail and everything you can look forward to!

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Travel with JoinMyTrip

Travel with JoinMyTrip