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European travel stocks surge | Travel News

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JoinMyTrip has you covered! On today’s travel news, European travel stocks surge.

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24th of February 2021

The IATA in the midst of creating travel passports 

These passes could save the travel industry as people would not need to quarantine when arriving at their destinations or when they depart. 

European travel stocks surge after UK announced end of lockdown roadmap

As the government announced its plans to end the lockdown in June, the European stock market saw a huge surge in the travel sector. Shares in UK travel and hospitality have also surged. 

Brussels says countries travel bans went to far 

The European Commission has said that some countries, among them Germany and Finland have introduced travel restrictions that were too harsh. A ban from one member country to another should only be made as an absolute last resort. 

Australia removes New Zealand from travel corridor

This comes as new cases have been found in New Zealand so parts of Australia, such as Queensland, have taken the country off its list of countries to travel to without COVID restrictions. 

Sources: EUobserver, CNBC, CNN, The Guardian, TVNZ

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