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The 5 Most Mysterious Monoliths in The World

Is it time to believe in aliens?

With the appearance of the mysterious monoliths in the world, a wave has definitely broken loose, leaving humanity in awe and horror at the same time.

Hi, I’m Flori, and today I’m going to immerse you in the mysterious world of monoliths! Never heard of them? The monoliths I’m talking about are long, shiny silver blocks with a triangular shape. Are they really the work of aliens? Or, is it some pranksters making a stupid joke to make a name for themselves? In any case, since some of the weird works have appeared in the meantime, their existence can no longer be denied.

I find everything that is mysterious really exciting. Hard facts and sad truths are thrown at us every day. Riddles and mysteries around the monoliths offer a nice change in our everyday life, don’t you think? Stay tuned and read more about the 5 most mysterious monoliths in the world.

5. United States, Utah

I can’t think of a better first place to find a monolith, can you? The USA is huge and has so many different lifestyles, cultures, and facets. To put it in other words: Americans are a little crazier than the rest of the world. For example, in November 2020, some workers found the first monolith while counting sheep, which definitely makes it one of the most mysterious. However, it gets even crazier; a few days later, on November 27, the metal stele, which is about 4 meters high and heavy, was removed. So if any of you out there have something to say…this is the time 😉

Utah, USA as the first place where the most mysterious monoliths were found.
United States, Utah

4. Norway

If I haven’t quite convinced you yet with the monolith in Utah, USA, then you’re due at the latest now! Because number 4 out of the 5 most mysterious monoliths was discovered in Norway. And guess where? On December 08, 2020, the weird find popped up right in front of a lighting company! Sheep, as in the Utah case, can hardly be witnesses to such a thing, but surveillance cameras? They should have the crime in black and white in the box! Well, there were no traces on them, who and above all how this was done. Do you have a theory? Then we are always here to listen 😉 Unfortunately, you can’t get a picture of the silverwork of art, because it has disappeared again. But if you still want to go to the place of the event, then check out JoinMyTrip, we have cool trips in store!

The wide view of a fjord in Norway with a small wooden hut in the foreground.

3. Romania

A little earlier, Romania became a target for the mystery that has since gone viral. In the north of the country, the object appeared on the top of a hill. The location makes it one of the 6 most mysterious monoliths in the world because the structure weighing tons was not found in the valley or on a straight road, but on a hill. I’m telling you, I’m starting to believe in Hulk or Harry Potter’s cloak of invisibility! But as I said, this madness distracts us from all the everyday madness going on in the world right now. Of course, as with the finds before it, the monolith disappears again a few days later, on November 30. Who would have thought that 😉

Romania is one of the places where the most mysterious monoliths have been found in the world.

2. Great Britain, Compton, Isle of Wight

Do you think it doesn’t get any crazier than this? Welcome to the next destination of the most mysterious monoliths in the world! Not long ago, on December 06, 2020, another monolith was discovered on the beach of Compton, on the famous island of England. Yes, you heard right, on an ISLAND. So it’s starting to get really creepy. How can people transport such a massive structure to an island without being seen? Riddle after riddle. All local happenings aside, the island is beautiful and definitely worth a visit! Find like-minded Travel Mates, split your travel costs, and set off on the adventure of a lifetime!

The Isel of Wight in Great Britain
Great Britain, Compton, Isle of Wight

1. Switzerland, Gränichen, Canton Aargau

On 09 December in Switzerland, in the canton of Aargau, the last of the most mysterious monoliths in the world appears, although admittedly they are all mysterious. The scene here is the Aargau Castle, which you would think that quite a few hikers or visitors pass by here to take a look at the beautiful building. You’re now thinking, surely someone MUST have noticed this…? Yes, you tell me! And just as quickly as the mirror-smooth, silver work of art appeared, just as quickly it disappeared again a few days later – and without a single trace.

Switzerland as one of the places where the most mysterious monoliths were discovered.
Switzerland, Gränichen, Canton Aargau

Until today there are numerous theories about the monoliths. Some say a famous artist is behind it and wants all mankind to talk about it. Others think that the artwork is supposed to give clues to a movie that will soon be released in theaters. Quite many other rumors are that maybe aliens are involved after all…. Who knows, nothing surprises me after this year. 😉

If you’re burning with inspiration now and you want to discover the next Monolith, share the experience with other travelers! Plan your own adventure now or join a unique trip with JoinMyTrip.

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