Travel with JoinMyTrip

Travel Podcast – Travel Start-ups (Episode 3)

Get to know our CEO and his travel stories

Alex (UK/Germany) & Cath (UK) have invited none other than the CEO and Founder of,  Niels, to chat about the history of JoinMyTrip, an Travel Start-ups, how and why it started, and his experience running a start-up company.  👔

He talks candidly about the great moments – but also about the times he has faced problems along the way. 

How did he come up with the concept? What was his highest high so far? What was the lowest low? These and more questions will be answered in the third episode of our Travel Podcast.

We also talk about his world trip (so get ready for a great & slightly crazy story!) 

If you’ve ever wondered what it is like to run a new business, then make sure to listen to this episode!

You want to listen to the Travel Start-ups episode? Great! You can do so right here:

Travel Podcast Episode 3 – Travel Start-ups

For a more visual appeal, you can always check out the YouTube video for this Travel Start-ups episode:

Do you still know where you can find our podcast? Not that we want to imply you suffer from memory loss! Just a little help from our side:

Travel Podcast Interview with our CEO
List of all platforms where you can find us

Are you ready to plan your next trip? So are we! Head to JoinMyTrip now and start finding like-minded travel buddies. If you still in need of some travel inspiration, read our articles below:

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Travel with JoinMyTrip