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Germany Declares All of Spain as a Risk Area | Travel News

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JoinMyTrip has got you covered! In today's Travel News, Germany has now declared all of Spain as a Covid ‘risk area’ due to the rising number of coronavirus infections in the country.

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12th of July 2021 


Sir Richard Branson the first of the new space tourism pioneers to try out their own vehicles

Virgin Galactic’s Unity SpaceShip, a rocket plane developed by Virgin Group flew high above and made Sir Richard Branson the first of the new space tourism pioneers to try out their own vehicles. The height reached by the rocket plane was 85KM. This is a test of the space tourism experience and Virgin group expects to begin selling to customers from next year. Already 600 individuals have already paid deposits for tickets that will cost them up to $250,000. This will give an opportunity for travelers to marvel at the earth’s horizon and also experience weightlessness for five minutes inside Unity’s cabin.  


The UK adds Germany, Italy and Poland to the green list

In the UK, Germany, Italy and Poland are among the list of countries that will be added to the green list. 


Germany declares all of Spain as a risk area

It was looking like a hopeful summer for travelers this year as vaccinations ramped up, but now the Delta coronavirus variant is causing a wave of new restrictions around the world. With this regard, Germany has now declared all of Spain as a Covid ‘risk area’ due to the rising number of coronavirus infections in the country, including Mallorca and the Canary Islands. 


Source: BBC, Independent, DW. 


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