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The 10 Craziest Ice Cream Parlors in the World

It's summer, time for ice cream! 🍦☀️

Actually, ice cream is always good, especially if you have a dessert stomach as we do, but enjoying ice cream in the midday heat of Spain or on the beach in L.A. somehow has more flair. Discover these 10 absolutely unique ice cream parlors around the world with your TravelMates... because that way you can try even more crazy ice cream flavors...

10. Chin Chin Labs, London

Chin Chin Labs can be found twice in London, one in Soho and one in Camden. These places alone should make your Instagram heart beat faster. These ice cream parlors create works of art out of ice cream, cookies, cakes, and waffles. Who wouldn't want to stop by? Here you have an interesting selection of flavors and varieties; for example, how about a Mozarella Cherry Swirl with Marshmallow Fluff? So, we've already packed our bags and are off to the English capital...😋
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9. The Milk Shop, Los Angeles 

This combination is simply tempting: macaron + ice cream = the perfect ice cream sandwich! The Milk Shop in Los Angeles creates crazy combinations of cookies, ice cream and cake. Scrolling through the store's Instagram just makes your mouth water and you want to devour all the deliciousness immediately. If you're in the U.S., you can even have Ice Cream Sandwiches delivered from L.A. (without leaving home). Sample varieties like Toffee Coffee, Thai Tea and Banana Dulce de Leche or enjoy a Grass Hopper Ice Cream Sandwich. The Milk Shop is currently located in Beverly Hills, so don't miss this sweet paradise on your next L.A. trip. 

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 8. Lodovnia, Poland 

The mobile ice cream parlor Lodovnia in Poland not only has a unique look but also sells very unusual ice cream. Here you can get ice popsicles with flowers and fruits. This not only looks beautiful but also tastes extraordinary. So a visit to Poland is worth it just for this unusual ice cream. 

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7. Heladeria Coromoto, Venezuela

Unusual destination - unusual ice cream parlor. At Heladeria Coromoto in Mérida, Venezuela, there are up to 860 types of ice cream on the menu, of which "only" 60-70 are sold daily. Depending on the weather. The small store currently holds the Guinness world record as the ice cream parlor with the most ice cream flavors. Some of the most bizarre flavors you can get here in a cone are hot dog, mushrooms in white wine sauce, Jurassic Park (however that is supposed to taste), and crab in cocktail sauce. Would you be brave enough to try your way through all the crazy ice cream flavors here? Tell us in the comments!

Do you want to share crazy ice cream flavors with other travelers? Then discover the JoinMyTrip TravelForum now and share your experiences with other travelers! 

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6. Der verrückte Eismacher, Munich

It remains absolutely crazy - as the name suggests. The Mad Ice Cream Maker is a reference to the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland and the store has that vibe too - everything is kind of crazy! The owner, Matthias Münz, is known in Munich (and the rest of Germany, too) as a colorful dog. In addition to normal varieties such as chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry, you can also get more unusual varieties such as Lindt Schokohase, Raffaelo or Ritter Sport white chocolate. The extraordinary ones here are the completely crazy varieties like white sausage, beer, vodka or walnut-arugula-gorgonzola soufflé. As I said, quite crazy, this ice cream maker. 

If you want to visit the crazy ice cream maker in Munich, we recommend you to stay a few days in Munich and discover these insider tips! 


Be sure to stop by our colleague Mariellen's food show and discover extraordinary food around the world: 



5. Rocambolesc, Spain

How about ice cream in the shape of a nose? Or in the shape of a male torso? This not only looks fascinating but also tastes fantastic. The nose ice cream, for example, tastes like strawberry with a splash of rose water, what could be more refreshing than fruit ice cream in the midday heat of Spain?! If you prefer it in the classic form, you can also get unusual varieties in a sundae: Cherry and elderflower sorbet or baked apple (by the way, the male top tastes like coconut and meringue...😉 ). You can find Rocambolesc in Barcelona, Madrid and Girona. 

Besides this tip, here are 5 more tips for your next vacation in Spain, which may start soon...

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4. Il Laboratorio del Gelato, New York

Il Laboratorio del Gelato in New York offers a unique atmosphere and more than 300 different and unusual types of ice cream, which you can take home (or to your hotel) by the cup. In addition to sweet fruit and milk ice cream, you can also get savory cheese ice cream and ice cream with alcohol, such as dark chocolate with bourbon. Taste your way through the craziest flavors here and feel like a researcher in the lab! Crazy combination! 

At JoinMyTrip, you won't get fancy ice creams, but you will get unique and special trips around the world. Start your fancy adventure today with like-minded travelers and JoinMyTrip.

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3. Sweet Jesus, Toronto

Sweet Jesus, what's going on here? Crazy soft ice cream, with crazy toppings and crazy names - that's pretty crazy...🍦At Sweet Jesus in Toronto, Canada, all soft ice cream dreams come true. You can order a Krusty the Cone (right picture) here: Vanilla ice cream with cotton candy, cotton candy sauce and colorful sprinkles... this much sugar can only make you happy or? So make your way to Canada today and don't miss out on this absolutely crazy ice cream for a minute longer than necessary.

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2. Odd Fellows Ice Cream Co, New York

This ice cream parlor is also located in beautiful New York and provides you not only with scoops in a cone but also with cups of ice cream to melt away. In addition to classic flavors like Vanilla and Mint Chocolate Chip, you can also get Thai Tea Lemongrass, Bacon & Cheese, and tipsy Irish Coffee ice cream. This ice cream store puts a new twist on classic American flavors and experiments with unusual combinations. So if you're stumbling wearily into your hotel room after an exhausting day of sightseeing in New York (best done with the help of our New York Guide), just order a cup of special ice cream from Old Fellows. That sounds absolutely tempting, doesn't it?  

Discover the flavors of New York

1. Modern Toilet, Taiwan & Hong Kong

Okay, that looks kind of weird - appetizing and unappetizing at the same time? At the Modern Toilet restaurant chain in Taiwan and Hong Kong, you get your ice cream and other food served in toilet bowls and bathtubs. The ice cream scoops also look like they came straight from the bathroom...💩 Whimsical, confusing, unappetizing... but worth a visit! 


Have you acquired a taste for ice cream? Then grab your TripMates and head to these 10 unusual and crazy ice cream parlors. Haven't found any TripMates to share your ice cream with yet? Then create your crazy foodie adventure now on JoinMyTrip or join an already planned adventure with like-minded travelers


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Go in search of the perfect sundae with one of these trips...🍦🌎

Begleitet TripLeader Saik nach Kanada. Begleitet TripLeader Tom nach New York. Begleitet TripLeader Alexander auf seiner Spanienreise.


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