Travel with JoinMyTrip

How To: Last Minute Travel

Always at the last minute...

You booked a vacation a year ago and now your trip has been canceled and you need a new destination on short notice? With these tips, you can't go wrong...


#1 Be flexible


If you want to travel at short notice, you have to be flexible! This applies to almost everything on your trip: destination, flights, and dates. Don't focus on one destination but find out what's good around it. If, for example, your vacation to Sardinia has to be canceled, then also look for alternatives on the La Maddalena Islands or on Corsica. 


#2 Be strategic with flights 


Flights are usually the biggest challenge when it comes to last-minute travel. With these tips, you are guaranteed to find the cheapest flight 

  • Always use the incognito mode of your browser and delete cookies if possible, so you don't get a price surcharge just because you look for flights more often. 
  • Google Flights has a price table that shows you on which dates your roundtrip flights are cheapest 

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Use the price table 

  • Be flexible from where you fly. If you are flying from Germany, then most routes to the major airports are also feasible by train. So look for all departure airports in Germany and not just Hanover or Dortmund. 
  • Use Skyscanner's All Locations option. This way you can find the cheapest flights and decide where you want to go.

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#3 Check out JoinMyTrip 

At JoinMyTrip you can also find short-term trips that you can join without worry. Click on the Find Trip button and sort the trips by "Departure: Soon". This way you will find trips that will take you to dream places on short notice. Like these trips for example: 

Join TripLeaders Kristin and Figo

Join TripLeader Kirstin and Figo on a 7-day trip to the Azores to Hike and Chill

Entdeckt den Mont Saint Michel mit TripLeader Anukool.

Join TripLeader Anukool on a trip to Mont Saint Michel. 

Segelt entlang der kroatischen Küste und genießt die Sonne und das Leben.

Join TripLeader Riaz on a sailing adventure in Croatia. 

As you can see, at JoinMyTrip you don't pay more just because the trip is coming up! So get inspired and join our TripLeaders on their adventures. For all our trips, accommodation, activities and transportation are included in the price. So you only have to pay for the flight and your meals, doesn't that sound great? 





#4 Have a plan

Travel essentials all laid on top of a map.

Once you booked your flights and found cheap accommodation, you should make plans for your stay. Plan what you want to see when and where and how you will get there. Do you need a rental car on short notice? Or do you need bus tickets? A plan will make traveling easier, but don't get frustrated if things don't go as planned. When traveling, unforeseen adventures always happen! 

If you want to avoid all the planning stress, you should just pick a trip on JoinMyTrip and our TripLeaders will take over the tedious planning part of the trip...😉

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#5 Remain completely relaxed 

A hammock tied between two trees by the beach.

Just because one vacation fell through doesn't mean the next one will! You're guaranteed to find trips that fit your style and budget. Don't let little things spoil the fun! The world is big and full of adventure, share it and enjoy your time off! 


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Has this How To inspired you to try something new? Join JoinMyTrip now and discover short-term adventures with like-minded travelers from all over the world. Let your soul dangle or experience an adventure according to your ideas. Everything is possible! 

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