Travel with JoinMyTrip

5 Best Destinations for Photographers

Top 5 destinations for travel photographers

If you’re seeking some serious spots for amazing travel photos (amateur or professional) to keep your followers happy, then keep reading. Below are the 5 best destinations for travel photographers. Or, even if you are not very interested in photography, make sure to not skip this because you may find some great suggestions for your next trip!

No matter how beautiful your own home country is, we all have an inner urge to take off, explore a new spot and capture the vast and uniquely different beauty through our lens. Framing the unknown and posting in on our social accounts seems to have taken over our attention span and free time – but that’s a whole other conversation.

Photography is changing every day, as it’s coming easier for everyone to take nice images. A basic iPhone can do what a $4000 DSLR can do. The gear keeps getting lighter, faster, and smaller and drones are completely changing our perspective of the world. The plus side? Everyone is sharing their images of far faraway places around the world. Then save the following list and get your camera gear ready!

1. India

photo of the Taj Mahal, the beautiful monument in India

First in the list of destinations photographers should visit is India. This is one of the most exotic, confusing, overwhelming and beautiful countries you can visit as a photographer. Every passing moment tells a uniquely different story which makes it for amazing photo opportunities. Also, it helps that so much of the life there is happening right on the streets. It’s a perfect environment for stimulation to constantly seek out stories to capture.

2. Guatemala

bright lavendar leading down to a wooden path onto the Lake Atitlan in Guatemala, perfect destination for photographers

Inside the villages and small towns of Guatemala, you will find women dressed in traditional garments. They are some of the most beautiful and colourful clothes you can ever imagine, making this perfect for photo opportunities. The people from Guatemala have a strong desire to keep their culture alive, most of the time they are happy to be photographed. Plus, the breathtaking wildlife and nature together with marvellous Mayan ruins make this Central American country. One of the best destinations photographers should visit.

3. Borneo

blue and green sea surrounded by stunning landscapes of green mountains in the beautiful photographer destination, Borneo

This one is for the photographers who want to go off the map. why? Because Borneo is noted as one of the most remote places in the world. This is home to the most diverse rain forest on the planet and has the most endangered species, such as the orangutans and the clouded leopards. If you don’t go soon, it could be your last chance to photograph an endangered species that could possibly not exist a decade from now.

4. Mongolia

view of mountains covered by white snow whilst surrounded by orange autumn coloured leaves in the perfect photographer destination in Mongolia

Imagine a land half desert and the other half steppe towering mountains… this is Mongolia. It is one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world while being immensely beautiful landscapes with miles and miles of just land. You will find free-roaming horses with stunning backdrops at a 360 view. It is also home to professional eagle hunters where they search for eagles on horseback… just imagine the photo ops here. Mongolia is a country that is definitely a perfect place photographer should visit.

5. Cuba

two blue cars sitting outside the vibrant and bright buildings in Cuba

As soon as you step off the plane in Cuba, you will feel as if you’ve been thrown back into the 1950s. Brightly coloured vintage cars drive past effortlessly, and the surrounding buildings are all painted in bright pink, green, purple or yellow. One of the most colourful countries you can visit with your camera, making it absolutely perfect for photo opportunities. Graceful Cuba finishes the list of top places photographers should not miss.

Deciding where to travel can be difficult but, if you are a photographer looking to capture the best places then we hope you have been inspired to visit one of these amazing destinations! If you are interested in doing this type of adventure as a group, you should head over to JoinMyTrip, you could create and plan a trip yourself or check out someone else’s to join them.

Are you needing any more inspiration of where to travel to next? Check out these blogs:

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