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Disneyland to Reopen in California | Travel News

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JoinMyTrip has you covered! In today’s travel news, Disneyland to reopen in California on April 30th with limited capacity.

Here is the most important travel news from around the world that we would like to share with you. Watch our daily YouTube Travel News Show, so you can stay informed every day. If you happen to have missed the previous episode, make sure to check that out too!

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22nd of March 2021

Paris and other cities in France enters another lockdown

Paris and other cities in France have entered another lockdown last Friday. This is due to the overwhelming spread of the more contagious virus. Bookstores and other essentials will remain open but non-essential stores will be closed. Also, residents were asked to remain within a 6-mile radius limit. 

The digital vaccination passport will be available for residents between May 17 to June 1

The digital vaccination passport – otherwise known as the Green Pass will be available for residents between May 17 to June 1. 

Disneyland to reopen in California

Disneyland will reopen with a limited capacity on April 30th in California. The theme park remained shut for almost a year due to the pandemic. 

Germany extends border control with Czech Republic and Tyrol

Germany has extended border control with the Czech Republic and Tyrol. This is after citing an increased number of new coronavirus infections and more virus variant cases. 

Romania and Greece in discussion to reach a new bilateral agreement

Romania and Greece are in talks to reach a new bilateral agreement by accepting each other’s vaccination certificates. They are working on this ahead of the European Union’s vaccination passport with an aim to start welcoming tourists from Mid April.  

Fun Travel Fact: Did you know that the world’s longest commercial flight took 30 hours? The service by Qantas ran from Australia to Sri Lanka from 1943 to 1945. 

Source: Travel+Leisure, Euro News, Reuters, SchengenVisaInfo News. 

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